Freight TOOL

Freight TOOL


Introduction to FreightTOOL

FreightTOOL is a Comprehensive Windows based Solution for the Freight Forwarding Industry-ideally suited for medium and large sized organizations. FreightTOOL supports the entire Business Process consisting of Sales Financial Accounts and MIS, Inquiries, Customer-Service, Operations & Documentation, Customs Clearance, Warehousing, Groupage/Consolidation, Billing.
FreightTOOL addresses the needs of the Air Exports, Sea Exports, Air Imports and Accounts departments through loosely integrated applications. All FreightTOOL applications have similar look & feel and provide an intuitive color-coded status indication for Work-In-Progress Tracking.

FreightTOOL is developed by a team of seasoned software professionals with inputs from leading Freight Forwarders and feedback from their Documentations, Warehouse, Clearance, Customer-Service and Sales staff. FreightTOOL offers the following Business Benefits:

    • Improved Customer Service Level
    • Reduced Cycle Time per Consignment
    • Higher Productivity per Employee-resulting in Higher Margins
    • Graphical MIS-Analyze and Spot Trends
    • Strong Financial Accounting-Better control on the receivables

Features & Benefits

Data flows from one stage to the next including Accounts (For example: Export Invoice ゙ Shipping Bill ゙ Master Air Way Bill ゙ House Air Way Bill ゙ Billing ゙ Financial Accounts.)

    • Shorter Cycle Times
    • Faster Response to the Customer's needs
    • Improves organizational Productivity by 30% or more vis-a-vis manual system
    • Not only Improves Customer Service but also improves your Margin

You can start at the first stage or any intermediate stage and carry through to the last stage. Data can be amended/added at each stage.

    1. The right balance between Process Flow, Control and Flexibility
    2. Productivity without Rigidity. Provides Flexibility and Control to the user

Data is shared between various employees/departments in the organization. Any person, right from the Clerk to the Managing Director, can find the status of a job and work on it.

    • Improves Co-ordination & Team-Work
    • No more phone tags and moving from desk to desk
    • Customer can talk to a single person and inquire about the job or resolve any issues

Up-to-date & Integrated Accounts-with Rich Analysis & Reporting

    • Know thy Debtors & DefaultersKnow thy Debtors & Defaulters
    • Keep a tab on your margins-Customer-wise/Job-wise Profitability
    • Get your P&L, Balance Sheet instantly
    • Treat your Departments or Branches as Profit-Centres

The Color, Check-List, Remarks indicate the status of a Job at any moment of time

    • Prompt servicing of Status Inquiries

Different Buying & Selling Rate's possible

    • First & Final: No Saving to Disk and changing the Data
    • No messing-up of your Accounts, MIS, CSR or Brokerage-Billing

Comparative Rates, Best Rates and Schedules available instantaneously

    • Service Inquiries in a jiffy
    • No need to check-up the circulars or call different people

Department/Branch/Shipper/Consignee/Airline/Shipping Line/City ... wise
Business Done available at the touch of a Button.

    • Information = Power
    • Negotiate better deals
    • Keep track of your business


Smart Technology

User defined Role based Security

    • You decide the Menu’s, Fields accessed by each User or group of User’s
    • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive data

Customer Service/Inquiry Screen's: Sort and Search by any Column

    • Inquire about the Job on the basis of : Shipper Name, Consignee Name, Air Line, Shipping Line, Origin, Destination, MAWB/HAWB No., B/L No., GR No., SB No., ...
    • Friendly Customer Service: No need to remember your computer generated Sr. No. Color coded status Indication

Pick List's : Sort & Search on Code or Name

    • Use it like a ‘Code-less’ system OR
    • Use it as a ‘Code-based’ system

Windows based Graphical User Interface

    • Ease of Use
    • Minimize Learning Curve 

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Interface for major documents

    • Real Life. So natural-The users know it just by seeing it 

The One & Only Software that supports true Client-Server implementation

    • Avoid investing in Obsolete Technology

Based on Industry standard SQL & ODBC Technology

    • Leverage your Investing in I.T. Infrastructure
    • Get Value for Money and boost your Return on Investments

Interface with Tally 5.0-India's #1 Accounting Software

    • Prepare your Bills in FreightTOOL and let the data flow into Tally
    • No re-entry of Data


The three flagship modules/applications of Freight TOOL are described as below...

Air Exports

Sales & Customer Service

    • Best Rates, Comparative Slab-wise Rates (Price-List)
    • Flight Schedules
    • Status Inquiries, Flight Details, Onward Inquiries

Job Details and Work-In-Progress Tracking

    • Check-List of Documents received and Remarks for the Job
    • Color coded Status Indication

Customs, Octroi Documentation

    • Annexuress
    • Export Invoice
    • Packing List
    • Shipping Bill (Duty Free, Dutiable, Duty Drawback, DEEC, DEPB)
    • N Form, C Form
    • Short Shipment, Shut-Out Notice
    • Maintains register of Export Documents (statutory)


    • Receipt of Goods, Weight & Dimensions measurements-weight Slip
    • Label Printing
    • Dispatch of Goods
    • Prints Warehouse Register

Airline Documentation

    • Master Air Way Bill (Picks up Weight, Dimensions from Weight Slip)
    • House Air Way Bill
    • Groupage/Consolidation (Merges multiple Export Invoices & Weight Slips)
    • Different Buying, Selling & Applied Rates
    • Cargo Sales Reports on the basis of : applied rate/discounted Buying rate
    • Maintains Air Way Bill register


    • On the basis of Master Air Way Bill/House Air Way Bill selling rate
    • User defined Billing Heads with Default charges
    • Data Transfer to Tally for Financial Accounting

Post Shipment

    • Shipper-wise Duty Drawback statement
    • Confirmation of Flight & Onward Details
    • Pre-Alerts to Overseas Agents, Consignee


    • Business done (Tonnage/Value) by Shipper/Consignee/Airline/City/Zone...


Air Imports

Break-Bulk Agents(Docket Details and Work-In Progress Tracking)

    • Color coded Status Indication
    • On the basis of Delivery Order received from Airline or Manifest received from Overseas agent
    • One or more Arrivals for a House Air Way Bill possible
    • Note that the information entered at Docket level flows into the Air Cargo Arrival Notice, Delivery Order & Delivery Order receipt. The Data may be amended in the subsequent documents if necessary.
    • Maintains Consol/Break-Bulk register

Air Cargo Arrival Notice

    • Delivery Order Charges in case of PP shipments
    • Freight Charges + Delivery Order charges in case of CC shipments

Delivery Order

    • After Importer brings in the relevant documents and pays the Amount.

Delivery Order Receipt

    • For the above Amount (On the basis of Delivery Order charges)
    • Can also make Receipts for Clearance Charges or any other Miscellaneous services

Overseas Agent Accounting & Billing

    • Overseas Agent Accounting and calculation of payable/receivable amount
    • On the basis of CC (Payable)/PP (Receivable) shipments & Profit-Share (if any)
    • A2 Form for Remittance
    • OSA Billing


    • Sector Air Way Bill
    • Transfer Manifest

Customs Clearance

    • Bill Of Entry
    • Prepare & Prints Bill of Entry
    • Maintains Clearance register


Sea Exports

Sales & Customer Service

    • Comparative Rates for different Line’s Best Rates (Cheapest & Fastest)
    • Liner Schedules
    • Status Inquiries

Job Details and Work-In-Progress Tracking

    • Checklist of Documents received and Remarks for the Job
    • Color coded Status Indication

Customs, Octroi Documentation

    • Export Invoice
    • Packing List
    • Shipping Bill (Duty Free, Dutiable, Duty Drawback, DEEC, DEPB)
    • N Form, C Form
    • Short Shipment, Shut-Out Notice
    • Maintains register of Export Documents (statutory)

Shipping Line Documentation

    • MBL
    • HBL
    • Groupage/Consolidation
    • Vessel-wise Brokerage Bill with details of each Consignment


    • On the basis of MBL/HBL selling rate
    • User defined Billing Heads with Default charges
    • Data Transfer to Tally for Financial Accounting


    • Business done (Volume/Value) by Shipper/Consignee/Shipping Line/City/....

B/L Construction & Customization

    • Build or Customize the Bill of Ladding-so that it mimics the real Bill of Ladding.
    • Be Independent-You can now make a new Bill of Ladding format or amend an existing one.